Intro to Tactical Medicine
Intro to Tactical Medicine
We often focus very narrowly on the skills and tactics for fighting but rarely learn to treat the injuries that could and most likely will be sustained during a lethal force encounter. Another interesting fact is that we are much more likely to need the traumatic medicine knowledge, skills, and gear than the ability to draw and shoot quickly. Think of it this way, when was the last time you had to draw your firearm in public and when was the last time you saw a bad car accident? This knowledge and skill is not only good to have after a violent incident, but is applicable to our everyday lives. Knowing how to put a pressure dressing or tourniquet on properly could save the life of you, a family member, or a person in your community. During this course we cover the following topics:
Ballistic Data and Wound Details – Learn what the real data shows concerning ballistics. Understand what gunshot wounds are catastrophic versus those which are survivable.
Assessment and Treatment of Trauma Patients – Learn how to apply the concepts of TCCC in the individual, reactive citizen setting. How do you respond to an attack? What medical care do you provide, and when do you do it?
Hemorrhage Control – Do you know when to apply a tourniquet? Do you know what works and why? Do you know how to properly use hemostatic agents and pressure dressings?
Airway Management – How do you ensure an open airway on an injured person? What is an NPA or a Chest Seal?
Medical Kit – Do you have a medical kit? What components do you carry in your car, versus what you keep in your house? What do you carry with you at all times? We will cover how to assemble kits for all budgets.